Sunday, September 5, 2010

Illustration Friday: "Dessert"

I have given myself a 2 hour window on Sundays to draw and post the current theme for I.F. That gives me two days to research. I had a heck of a hard time trying to come up with any kind of unique ideas, and when all else fails, I resort to crows! Many people do not like them, but I do. I have had 2 as pets, and that experience gave me a whole new perspective on them. They are smart, and extremely animated. And they will eat anything.


  1. I love crows. That's a pretty fun drawing. It reminds me of The Birds.

  2. Wow, are they planning on taking on the big 'O' doughnut sign..?! I love crows too, this is a lovely illustration, they are up to something! Great work!

  3. I love crows too. Forget about those other people. They obviously just don't know better. I really like the angle on this.

  4. This is a great image! Nicely done. I have always loved crows, as well as ravens, magpies...I used to try to catch magpies when I was little with a cardboard box, a stick, and a rope...never succeeded, they are just too smart. Anyway, love the illo!
